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Supporting your growth

Occupational Therapy services enable patients to perform their everyday activities. As a key member of the home health care team, the occupational therapist is responsible for participating in the development and modification of the patient’s home care plan of treatment. Their focus is to help prevent further physical weakness, assist patients in adapting to a disability and/or restoring him/her to their highest level of functioning. Occupational Therapists are responsible for helping patients develop, recover, improve regarding a condition or injury, as well as maintain the skills needed to execute daily activities. Therapists may commonly work with patients to evaluate their range of motion, motor skills and their ability to perform basic tasks like dressing, tying shoes, and combing hair etc. Occupational therapists help with barriers that affect a person’s emotional, social, and physical needs. Treatment programs are developed and individualized for each patient based on their specific treatment goals. The occupational therapist works closely with other members of the home care team including nurses, social workers, speech therapist,physical therapists and the patients’ physician to see that all goals are realistic and achievable. This interdisciplinary approach allows the needs of the patient to be fully met.

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